Ing tanggal 25 Maret 2021, kementerian industri lan teknologi informasi ujar miturut susunan standarisasi sakabèhé, persetujuan ban pesawat lan 11 proyek standar nasional wajib liyane ngumumake tanggal pungkasan tanggal 25 April 2021, sing kalebu baterei standar. duwe "sistem panyimpenan energi listrik nggunakake baterei lithium lan syarat safety baterei.
If you have different opinions on the proposed standard project, please fill in the Feedback Form for Standard Project Establishment (see Attachment 2) during the publicity period and send it to the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology by email to note: Compulsory Standard Project Establishment Publicization Feedback)
Njaluk pendapat umum babagan 11 rencana revisi standar nasional sing wajib kayata "Aero Tire"
Wektu kirim: Apr-28-2021